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Community Impact

We’re a very busy school community! The volunteers who run the PTA and its activities are always hard at work for you and your family. We focus our work on partnering on school initiatives and needs, building a strong and connected community, and fundraising to cover the gaps in school funding. From behind-the-scenes funding of classroom supplies and books to student-centered art and talent shows, we put our kids and Maple Grove staff first. We’re committed to bringing our school community together to build connections and a strong foundation for student success and growth. We host big, can’t-miss community events in the fall and spring that celebrate all that is wonderful about Maple Grove. We hope you’ll be a part of it all!



Did You Know Our PTA Does All That?!

You may be surprised to learn that the Maple Grove PTA raised over $130,000 last year and all of this went back to supporting 45+ school and community programs. 

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